pes-modif: [PC] DpFileList Generator v1.6 + DLC V2.0 by Baris


[PC] DpFileList Generator v1.6 + DLC V2.0 by Baris

[PC] DpFileList Generator v1.6 + DLC V2.0 by Baris
Current Version: 1.6 (updated on 04.12.2015)

- Generate automatically DpFileList.bin with maximum of 32 CPKs
- Select needed cpk-files
- Sort selected cpk-Files (if needed) via Drag&Drop
- [NEW] Read already existing DpFileList.bin

1) Choose your "download"-folder (or any folder that contains .cpk-files)
Optional: 1.1) select already existing DpFileList.bin to preselect already used CPKs
2) Select cpk-files which should be in the DpFileList.bin
3) Sort the selected cpk-files (if needed) via drag and drop
4) Generate DpFileList.bin (your current DpFileList.bin will be backed up (DpFileList.bin.BACKUP))

You need at least Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 to run this tool.

Credit : Baris


  1. Gan, mau nanya dong,,
    Ane ada masalah neh ama pesmix versi 2.0
    Ane kan sudah install ngikutin petunjuknya.. Udh selesai tinggal masuk,, eh pas ane klik pes 2016nya.. Masuk tapi kembali lagi ke dekstop...
    Mohon bantuannya dong gan..

  2. Iyaaa gan udah bsa ternyata, makasih ya gan,..

    Gan itu yang dt80_100e_win.cpk sama dt80_200e_win.cpk gak di centang, kalo mau di pake generator?
